LAPSUS$ 所使用到技术 attack 矩阵映射图LAPSUS$ 使用了两个比较有趣的技术,一个是代码签名,另一个是禁用和修改工具
TA0005 - 规避防御
T1553.002 - 信任崩塌:代码签名
一些恶意软件使用 NVIDIA 的证书来签名
泄露包括两个被窃取的 NVIDIA 代码签名证书,这些签名证书是 NVIDIA 开发者用来签名他们的驱动和可执行程序。
以下为用 NVIDIA 证书签名的 Mimikatz
NVIDIA 证书序列号
即便是 NVIDIA 证书到期了,windows 也会允许它运行,因此,攻击者使用这些被窃取来的证书来让恶意驱动伪装成合法的 NVIDIA 程序以便让操作系统来加载。
Yara 规则:
import "pe"
rule SUSP_NVIDIA_LAPSUS_Leak_Compromised_Cert_Mar22_1 {
description = "Detects a binary signed with the leaked NVIDIA certifcate and compiled after March 1st 2022"
author = "Florian Roth"
date = "2022-03-03"
modified = "2022-03-04"
score = 70
reference = ""
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 100MB and
pe.timestamp > 1646092800 and// comment out to find all files signed with that certificate
for any i in (0 .. pe.number_of_signatures) : (
pe.signatures.issuer contains "VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA" and (
pe.signatures.serial == "43:bb:43:7d:60:98:66:28:6d:d8:39:e1:d0:03:09:f5" or
pe.signatures.serial == "14:78:1b:c8:62:e8:dc:50:3a:55:93:46:f5:dc:c5:18"
攻击者会采取一些措施来让安全工具失效,使之无法检测到他们预部署的恶意工具。attack 矩阵官方在 T1052.001 文档说明中给出了很多表格,比如杀死安全软件进程或服务,修改和删除注册表键或配置文件使之失效,又或是使用其它方法来干扰安全工具扫描和报告信息。
攻击者使用 Process Hacker 工具来终止运行 EDR 进程,一旦 EDR 被关闭,那么就有可能会将 Mimikatz 释放到内存当中。
现在需要做的就是检测和监控,安全专家可以使用 Atomic Red Team 来测试 (例如禁用安全工具)
TA0001: Initial Access
[*]T1078: Valid Accounts
[*]T1133: External Remote Services
[*]T1190: Exploit Public-Facing Applications
[*]T1199: Trusted Relationships
TA0002: Execution
[*]T1059: Command and Scripting Interpreter
[*]T1059.001: Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
[*]T1059.003: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell
[*]T1059.004: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell
TA0003: Persistence
[*]T1078: Valid Accounts
[*]T1078.002: Domain Accounts
[*]T1078.003: Local Accounts
[*]T1078.004: Cloud Accounts
[*]T1021: Services
[*]T1021.001: Services: Remote Desktop Services
[*]T1114: Email Collection
[*]T1114.003: Email Collection: Email Forwarding Rules
TA0004: Privilege Escalation
[*]T1068: Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
[*]T1078: Valid Accounts
[*]T1078.002: Domain Accounts
TA0005: Defence Evasion
[*]T1562: Impair Defences
[*]T1562: Impair Defences: Disable or Modify Tools
[*]T1027: Obfuscated Files or Information
[*]T1027.002: Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packing
[*]T1553: Subverted Trust Controls
[*]T1553.003: Subverted Trust Controls: Code Signing
[*]T1078: Valid Accounts
[*]T1078.002: Domain Accounts
[*]T1078.003: Local Accounts
[*]T1078.004: Cloud Accounts
TA0006: Credential Access
[*]T1552: Unsecured Credentials
[*]T1552.002: Unsecured Credentials: Credential in Files
[*]T1552.004: Unsecured Credentials: Private Keys
[*]T1003: Credential Dumping
[*]T1003: Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory
[*]T1111: Two Factor Authentication Interception
TA0007: Discovery
[*]T1082: System Information Discovery
[*]TA0008: Lateral Movement
[*]T1021: Services
[*]T1021: Services: T1021.001: Services: Remote Desktop Services
[*]T1078: Valid Accounts
[*]T1078.002: Domain Accounts
TA0009: Collection
[*]T1114: Email Collection
[*]T1114.003: Email Collection: Email Forwarding Rules
[*]TA0010: Exfiltration
[*]T1537: Transfer Data to Cloud Account
[*]T1114.003: Email Collection: Email Forwarding Rules